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MOUsThe Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) serves as a written agreement of mutually agreed principles, done to guide academic and research activities between the two institutions. The benefits you get through MoUs are: Enables both undergraduate and graduate student exchange programmes, both short- and long-term. Facilitates communication between academic and administrative employees for seminars, conferences, teaching, and research objectives. Capacitates collaboration on research projects, activities, and contact details. Permits the sharing of academic knowledge and materials. Partnering with companies and businesses gives universities access to more resources to fund their research and diversify their research areas. MOUs
PoliciesCollege operates as per the laid down policies. Each policy has its own set of objectives, mechanism to be followed and the expected outcome.
Perspective PlanPerspective plan College on Wheels D9_Grant Surajba Mahila College D95_Grant Order_Uni.Trust Surajba College D96_Grant order_Uni.Trust Surajba Mahila College Grant Order_2nd Installment_UTS Mahila Arts College Future Plan
NAAC Certificate
IQAC Commiittee
Annual Reports
IQAC Meeting Minutes
Quality Initiatives
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